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Harnessing AI for Seamless IT Integration

At ABP Consultancy we specialise in integrating AI-powered automation into complex IT environments. Our focus extends from consultancy to tailored AI deployment, comprehensive training, and dedicated support.


Central to our support services is our SWAT team, focusing on rapid intervention for intricate system issues, refining infrastructure design, offering authoritative advice on development practices, and securing operational continuity through monitoring and immediate response measures.

Optimising Operations with Instana and Turbonomic

Building upon the capabilities of our SWAT team, we leverage the dynamic functionalities of Instana and Turbonomic to enhance our service offerings.


Instana serves as our real-time observability compass, providing instant feedback and actionable insights for application performance management, while Turbonomic acts as our resource optimisation engine, continuously analysing and automating resource allocation to ensure peak performance and efficiency across your IT landscape.


Together, they empower the ABP SWAT team to deliver superior AI-powered automation solutions that not only respond to issues as they arise but also pre-emptively optimise your systems for the challenges of tomorrow.

Exploring Instana and Turbonomic Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

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